Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act

For too long, politicians have been carving loopholes in Proposition 13 and making it easier to raise taxes. It’s time to close the loopholes.

If Protections from Proposition 13 are lost, many will not be able to afford the homes that they have owned for generations.

Learn about this Taxpayer Protection Act and how it protects Proposition 13 and your home.

How High would your taxes be without Proposition 13? Click HERE to use this tool to see the shocking results and why we must all fight for Proposition 13.

“Proposition 13 requires a two-thirds vote for special taxes to make it harder for special interests to game the system. However, state courts have recently invented a loophole. They say special taxes proposed by a “citizens’ initiative” can pass with 50% plus one yote instead of 2/3. This loophole enables special interest groups to pretend to be average citizens circulating an initiative, when really they’re interested parties who will get all the money from the tax increase.”1

The Calaveras Fire Protection Initiative is a “citizens initiative.”

For information, click HERE.

Learn about ACA 1 and how it will hurt Proposition 13 protections, click HERE for more information.

Subscribe to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association alerts, click HERE.

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